100% Soy Wax | 4Oz
A delightful aroma sure to relax and put your mind at ease.
Juniper Berry is an air purifier giving an extra boost to the already antibacterial properties of all the essential oils.
Put on some soft tunes and fall into pleasant thoughts.
Apatite also called the stone of manifestation, stimulates developing spiritual gifts and attunement, encourages communications and self expression, reduces stress, aids service and humanitarian pursuits. Third Eye & Throat Chakra, helps balance all of the chakras.
+Clary Sage Essential Oil
+Litsea Essential Oil
+Juniper Berry Essential Oil
+Almond Coconut Fragrance Oil
+Creamy Nutmeg Fragrance Oil
+Dried Forget Me Not Flowers
+Dried Lavender Buds
+Crushed Apatite
Nostalgia (relax & reflect) Candles
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